Matuku Muster!
This weekend have a listen out for the boom of our incredibly rare Australasian BitternMatuku-Hûrepo). Head out to a wetland (Waituna- in fact pretty much anywhere along the lower Mataura!, Waiau wetlands, Lake Brunton) about half an hour before dusk and listen for the deep low of a booming bittern. Ideally stay there till an hour after sunset. There are full details through the Love Bittern website link on the poster. Dawn surveys are good too - know where you are going however as you need to be there an hour before dawn and stay till hlaf an hour after sunsrise.
Make sure you take a torch to help find you way back safely and are not in an area which is too soft to stand on for long!
Next month (Sunday 17rh Nov, 3-4pm) there will be a talk by Wendy Ambury from Love Bittern Project at the Southland Environmental Education Centre in Otatara, with a dusk (8pm+) walk to the estuary off Bushy Point. Free, all welcome!