Friends of Kew Bush working bee
Meet at the picnic table at 10am. Contact [Enable JavaScript to view protected content] for more details.
Wear gumboots / big boots! Bring gloves, secateurs or lopper if you have them.
The aim of the day is to clear some of the fast invaders ready for a big planting day in the autumn. The map has the 3 key areas we’re targetting:
Blackberry removal (purple on map) - cut-and-paste (could be prickly!)
Aluminium plant removal (light blue on map) - A few stragglers survived our last working bee and need to be pulled (light work) See the photos of a piece of the cleared area from November’s event
Releasing the trees planted last autumn (red on map) - Trampling the grass around the planting here would be of great help (can be fun - bring some friends to help!)
Looking forward to seeing you!