Castledowns Wetland April Working Bee
Our wetland will certainly be very wet at the moment and it would be impossible to get across the Dipton Stream but by the time the field day comes along we hope it will be just a gentle stream to wade across or we will be able to use our temporary bridge.
The date for the next afternoon is the 29th April starting after lunch at 1 -1.30 It will be a good idea to bring long gumboots, parka and leggings if you have them and overalls and gloves are a good idea too. Don’t panic if you do not have these things as water never hurt any of us.
We would like to be able to weed eat the track to the ponds, find the cabbage trees , attack more hawthorns , and get into the flax area and take out some of the weeds such as gorse and broom .
We always like to bring some nice food for afternoon tea and drinks.
The Wetland is on the Dipton Mossburn road at 9km from the Dipton Castlerock road. Take the second turn on the left after crossing the Oreti river bridge. We will need to park on the road at this time of the year.
If you have questions about the day please ring Sandra at 0272707759 , Peter at 032485002 or Virginia at 032182547 .
We are looking forward to getting a good number of people to help so you are most welcome.