New QEII Rep for Southland
In 1997 Gay Munro was fortunate to take over the Queen Elizabeth II National Trust Representative’s position from Roger Sutton. Roger had undertaken the task from the beginning of QEII in 1978. Now, on Gay’s retirement, the position is being taken up by Graeme Watson, a farmer from Roslyn Bush. Graeme is a keen fly fisherman and has a very real appreciation of natural heritage values and the huge part that protection of these forest, shrubland, tussock remnants play in maintaining the good water quality in our rivers and streams. With Roger’s son Mark, being responsible for QEII covenants in the Waiau catchment, Graeme takes on responsibility for the rest of Southland. If you have any enquiries about the QEII and covenants, then please contact Graeme at (03) 230 4843.
Posted on: Monday, 20 July 2009