National Wetland Restoration Symposium
The theme for this year’s National Wetlands Symposium in March is ‘Are we getting it right?’ Field trips are planned to Awarua/Waituna Wetlands and Rakatu, Western Southland. The National Wetland Trust, in conjunction with the Southland Wetland Working Party, are running a three day symposium in Invercargill focussing on wetland restoration. Day 1 has Guy Salmon as a keynote speaker, followed by an overview of the Awarua Waituna Wetlands Arawai Kakariki programme. A field trip is planned to Awarua Wetlands that afternoon. Day 2 - speakers from throughout NZ will cover various topics of wetland restoration. Day 3 - a field trip to Western Southland will look at the work of the Waiau Trust in wetland creation and habitat protection. Check the programme out and register at