Pomona Island Stoat and Rat Free for over 2 Years.
No stoats or rats have been caught on Pomona or Rona Islands now for over two years. This is largely thanks to the extensive trap network which is now set up on the mainland opposite both islands. Thanks to generous donations from the Gary Chisholm Family Trust of Christchurch the Trust now has 72 stoat/rat traps opposite Pomona and 44 opposite Rona. Viv Shaw, Pomona Island Trust member, reports “These are checked monthly and with the predicted beech mast a reality we are catching a fair few rats and mice each month”. Earlier this year 51 South Island robins were released on Pomona and 20 on Rona. The birds have been pairing up and Trust members are hopeful that they will start to see juvenile robins on the islands before Christmas.
Posted on: Friday, 23 October 2009