Aparima Pest Busters – Kakariki Nest Boxes
In the spring of 2022 red crowned kakariki were seen several times in Mores Reserve, Riverton. This caused great excitement for the team at Aparima Pest Busters as they had not been seen in the reserve for a long time.
While a lot of effort has been put into managing pests in the reserve, it was felt the birds would have better chances of breeding successfully if we could provide them with predator proof nest boxes. During the winter of 2023, funding was obtained to enable the construction of 20 nest boxes. These were based on a design used by a group in Nelson. Whereas they used a flat roof, we opted for a sloping roof which would make it harder for pests to access the entrance to the nest box.
The boxes were installed in late September. One is monitored with a trail camera. While we have not yet seen any birds in residence, we remain hopeful.
We are currently looking for people to look after a few bait lines in Mores Reserve. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please encourage them to get in touch at this email address.
For more information contact Aparima Pest Busters at: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
(Kakariki photo curtesy of Bush Haven)
Posted on: Monday, 12 February 2024