Weedbusters at Bowmans Bush, Otatara
The annual attack on Chilean flame creeper at Bowmans Bush is gradually reducing this pest plant. Come and help in this year’s effort from 7.00pm to 8.30pm. Bowmans Bush is Southland’s only Queen Elizabeth II National Trust property, with day to day management carried out by the Invercargill City Council. As with other reserves around Otatara, the forest remnant has been invaded by the garden escapee, Chilean flame creeper. There is no easy way to control this plant pest, however other landowners in the area have been successful with physical removal over the years. The Bowmans Bush autumn working bees have been going on for 8 years now and Randall Milne, Environment Southland Biosecurity Officer (Weeds) reports that the presence of this pest plant is much reduced. Come along and join us for this year’s effort, which will be from 7.00pm to 8.30pm. If you require any further information please contact Randall Milne at Environment Southland, [Enable JavaScript to view protected content].