Walk the Long Hilly Track, Longwoods, Riverton
See the native plants, birds and the historic Chinese mining area on the new 2 hour walk. A Forest and Bird bush walk on the new Long Hilly (or Long Hei Lee) Track, Round Hill, Riverton. Walk takes 2 hours 15 minutes return.
Leave from Invercargill Museum at 1.15pm to car pool or meet at Long Hilly carpark at 2pm. Bring something for afternoon tea. Leaders Chris and Brian Rance (03 2131161)
The Long Hilly Track has been developed by the Southland Branch of the Te Araroa Trust which aims to identify a walking route the length of New Zealand.
The Long Hilly (Round Hill) Track provides walking access through native bush and past historic sites relating to Chinese and European gold mining operations as early as 1874. The history of the area is significant in that it was the southern-most Chinese settlement, the largest settlement in New Zealand and where the Chinese were able to work a goldfield that had not already been mined. Features that can be observed along the way are alluvial ground sluicings, stacked stone tailings, tail races and dams. Also the historic tramlines from the sawmilling industry.
The biodiversity values of the Longwood Forest are also significant and this walk provides easy access to a wide range of native plants and bush birds. Over 100 species of native plant have been recorded along the track, including 37 species of fern.