Southland World Wetlands Day 2011
Southland World Wetlands Day 2011 - Waituna Wetlands Area.
Bus to depart Feldwick Gates, Queens Park, at 9.30am ($5 per person, bbq lunch and afternoon tea provided - booking essential for bbq). World Wetlands Day – Restoration of lower Waituna Catchment Wetlands
Saturday, 5th February 2011
A Waituna Landcare Group event, supported by the Southland Wetland Working Party.
Open to all to join in at any stage of the day, but registration for bus or bbq lunch is required.
Bus to depart Feldwick Gates, Queens Park, at 9.30am
($5 per person for bus; bbq lunch and afternoon tea provided)
10.00am - Gravel Pit
Welcome - Janice Kevern, Chairperson, WLG
Bonnie Rowell, SWWP
Dave Taylor, DOC
Gravel Pit Restoration overview – Gay Munro, WLG
Honda Tree Fund – Kat Robertson, ES
Planting tussocks & toe toe
10.45am - Waghorn property drive through.
Fish Friendly Drain Management – WLG Sustainable Farming Fund
AWAG - fencing programme and current projects
Donatia - preservation techniques
12.15pm Lunch at Waituna Lagoon lookout carpark (Kapuka South Community Centre – wet weather option)
1.30pm - Munro property drive through
QEII Covenant protection
Giant kokopu habitat
Biocontrol options
Riparian fencing and planting on Armstrong Creek
3.00pm Afternoon tea at Mokotua Hall. Displays. Otatara Landcare Group, Southland Community Nursery, Landcare Trust, SWWP, Arawai Kakariki
3.30pm Launch of new Southland Community Nursery website
Bus to return Feldwick Gates by approx. 4.30pm
To register for the bus or the bbq lunch please email [Enable JavaScript to view protected content] or ph Gay on 239 5827 by Wednesday, 2nd February.