Otatara Bush Haven and Southland Community Nursery Open Afternoon
Otatara Bush Haven and Southland Community Nursery Open Afternoon 1pm-4pm. Helping Otatara’s Native Wildlife
Bush Haven bird rehabilitation centre (49 Bryson Road, Otatara) will be open - see kaka, kereru, kakariki being cared for ready for release. At 1.30pm three kereru will be released into the wild.
Southland Community Nursery (185 Grant Road, just round the corner from Bryson Road) will be open for native plant advice - plants to attract native birds, shelter plants, pond restoration. Bring along any plant, native or exotic to be identified and take away a free local native plant.
At both venues Otatara Pestbusters will give advice on the best traps to use for pest control - put your name down for information, traps or poison for use on your own Otatara property.