Native Plant Restoration Workshop
Free full day workshop on Southland Native Plant Restoration - including speakers on Urban Restoration (Bruce Clarkson Waikato University), Key factors for successful restoration (Brian Rance DOC Southland), New techniques - direct seed drilling (Tim Whitaker DOC Otago), Wetland Forest Restoration (James Griffiths DOC Science) and the Billion Trees initiative. The speakers will be followed by lunch (provided), workshops and a restoration field trip in the afternoon. Bookings essential to [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]. The workshop is open to anyone with an interest in native plant restoration, Southland Native Plant Restoration Workshop Poster.
Date and Time 5th April, 8.45am-4.30pm
Venue Invercargill Workingmen’s Club & Southland Community Nursery and Bushy Point Restoration Project
The workshop is the initiative of Waikato University People, Cities & Nature project running throughout New Zealand, supported by local Southland agencies.