Home Creek Restoration Project
The annual visit by Southland Forest & Bird to help with restoration plantings at Home Creek, near Manapouri. The Home Creek restoration plantings have been ongoing for nearly a decade. With the meandering stream running through the area, it has proven to be a challenging project. Edith Jones, who leads the project, has found that floods and droughts both determine how you develop a restoration plan. However her trial and error technique is now bearing fruit as those plantings that have survived are becoming well established. The last few years have focussed on planting red tussock, toe toe and flax, all good wetland species.
If you would like to help with this year’s working bee, then join us at Home Creek (on the highway south from Manapouri, turn in by camping ground) at 11.00am. For further information contact Edith Jones, 213 1571.