Foraging with Maggie and Chris - Southland Community Nursery
Date – Wednesday 8 March 2017
Venue – Southland Community Nursery Education Centre – park 183 Grant Road car park
Time – 6.30-8pm - evening workshop
Cost - $5 – pay on the night no booking required,
Workshop Description
Foraging – “To search widely for food or provisions”. Learn how to find, identify and safely use local herbs, weeds and native plants. Sample tisanes, wild nettle pesto, dandelion coffee (or Coprosma coffee), elderberry truffles. Workshop aimed at beginners with an interest in wild foods and those wanting to gain an insight into useful (and harmful) plants that grow specifically in Southland.
Why forage?
- Higher nutrient value of food,
- Diverse diet
- Being self-reliant
- Connect with nature
- Being thrifty
Basic Rules
- Be able to identify your edible or poisonous plants
- Take only what you need and sustainably harvest
- Enjoy the experience
To bring – gumboots or sturdy shoes, wet weather gear. Plastic bags, pots, trowel for collecting.
Facilities and Equipment Provided – wild foraging places, fruit and nut orchards, native bush areas. Education Centre indoor facility. Samples of foraged delights!
Brought to you by Southland Community Nursery: Workshops Inspired by Nature