Eglinton Valley restoration project working bee
Eglinton Valley restoration project working bee. Accommodation bookings should be made asap with PC Taylor at Knobs Flat, if required. The Eglinton River bed is an important habitat for several species of birds and other fauna. Nowadays this habitat is significantly altered by human activities and as a result is overgrown by lupins, thistle and other weeds, and introduced predators are causing havoc at nesting sites. A volunteer group has been established to protect black-fronted terns, which are classified as endangered, and other species such as banded dotterel, lizards, etc. Now, in the beginning of our second season we have got a trap line on the site and hope to get as many volunteers as possible! Knobs Flat is great place to stay with magnificent views and the valley is one of last refugees of short-tailed bat!
Check out about this project at
If you would like to assist with this great project then join us for the weekend from Friday 26th November at Knobs Flat. Discounted accommodation prices are being offered for F&B volunteers. Cost per room will be $60 per night for queen size double bed. (half the cost to be donated to the project.) Please contact PC Taylor - [Enable JavaScript to view protected content] to make your reservation asap.